Monthly Archives: March 2008

up, down, all around

We went up north over the weekend, for a family wedding and to celebrate the bf’s mom’s birthday. Besides the fact that we were up before 7am every day, it was really nice. Bf knows rediculous amounts of trivia about Israel, so it was like a personal tour. On Friday, we left his parents house and drove to the upper Galilee, stopping for a picnic along the way. We went up to where the family gets the grapes for the wine they make. We went to the Rimon winery, where they make wine from pomegranites and let me tell you, a) that is GOOD, and b) there are not many better ways to start a weekend at 10:30am than with a wine tour and tasting. From there we went to the nearby Dalton winery, which had delicious (grape) wines and a gorgeous view.

From there we continued north towards Tzfat, arriving in Ya’ar Birya where we would be spending the night. We changed and went to the wedding (for one of the bf’s cousins), which was very nice. Again the scenery was beautiful, and it was great to hang out with him and his family. And we only got one or two notifications that we (he) are next, er… a little awkward, but what can you do. After eating and drinking and drinking and eating, we had a nap before heading out for a birthday meal of, er, chocolate in Rosh Pina. There is this awesome restaurant that is all about the chocolate, and we had some, and opened presents, and had a good time before crashing.

We were up early again in the morning, for a quick breakfast before heading out and north again, this time having a trivia competition (the bf driving and asking questions, me in the passenger seat and his sisters in the back). Somehow I was winning in the points category, despite being the only non-Israeli-educated (the questions I got right were the only ones not about Israeli history/geography). I rock. We drove along the border with Lebanon, over to Rosh HaNikra, one of the most northern points in Israel on the coast.

We went down to the sea, where I had a quiet little reunion that made me very happy. Finally we made our way to the old city of Acco, where we walked around before having a DELICIOUS seafood lunch. Yum. Making me hungry just thinking about it!

Went back to the bf’s parents house after that and spent the rest of the afternoon there before heading back to Jerusalem. The weekend was sooooo nice, neither one of us wanted to come back! But such is life, I suppose…

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